Llama’s carry a specific type of antibody that offer a series of opportunities. It is small, easy to engineer, low in immunogenicity and has further advantages over commonly known first generation animal and human antibodies.
In the last decade the interest to use next generation llama antibodies, called VHHs, as diagnostic or therapeutic is rapidly increasing. Several VHHs are in clinical evaluation and products are being lined up for approval.
The VHH opportunity goes beyond the human pharmaceutical market, amongst others the VHH cost price allows application in the canine and equine markets.

About Us
Orthros Medical is a Dutch biotech company developing VHH based therapeutics and diagnostics for animal and human health. Our focus is on osteoarthritis for which we have in development potential new local treatments based on VHH.
Located in the Green East Innovation Centre we are closely located to the University of Twente one of our main partners.
Contact Info
Orthros Medical
Drosteweg 8
8101 NB Raalte
the Netherlands
See our contact form
+31 572 700 208